- I apokalypsens skugga. Miljörörelse och industrikapitalism 1870-2020, Göteborg: Daidalos, 2023 (co-authored with Håkan Thörn).
- Post-Apocalyptic Environmentalism: The Green Movement in Times of Catastrophe, Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2022 (co-authored with Håkan Thörn)
- Toward a Critical Theory of Nature: Capital, Ecology, and Dialectics, London: Bloomsbury, 2021.
- Climate Action in a Globalizing World: Comparative Perspectives on Environmental Movements in the Global North, New York: Routledge, 2017 (co-edited with Linda Soneryd, Håkan Thörn and Åsa Wettergren).
- Youth Movements, Trauma and Alternative Space in Contemporary Japan, Leiden: Global Oriental (Brill), 2014.
- Shock and Naturalization in Contemporary Japanese Literature, Folkestone: Global Oriental, 2007.
- Shôgeki to shizenka – moderunite no chikaku ni okeru niyôshiki o megutte (Shock and Naturalization: an Inquiry into Two Modi of the Perception of Modernity), PhD thesis, Kyoto University, 2002.
- Shock and Naturalization: An Inquiry into the Perception of Modernity, Lund: Lund University, 2002 (PhD thesis, Lund University).

- Cassegård, Carl (2024) ”Éco-marxisme et théorie critique de la nature: deux perspectives sur l’écologie et la dialectique”, Prismes: Théorie critique n° 6: 47-97. [translation of "Eco-Marxism and the Critical Theory of Nature: Two Perspectives on Ecology and Dialectics" by Olivier Tinland et Jean Markert]
- Cassegård, Carl (2024) “Homelessness, Art, and Activism in Japan from the Early ’90s until Today”, pp. 113-132, in David H. Slater & Patricia G. Steinhoff (eds.) Alternative Politics in Contemporary Japan: New Directions in Social Movements, Honolulu: University of Hawai’i Press.
- Cassegård, Carl & Thörn, Håkan (2024) “Postapokalyptische Ökologie: Hoffnung und Gerechtigkeit im Katastrophenzeitalter neu denken”, pp. 47-63, in Werner Friedrichs (ed.) Politische Bildung und Zukunft. Wie Herausforderungen im Anthropozän denken?, Wiesbaden: Springer.
- Cassegård, Carl (2024) “Beethoven som miljökamp” [recension av Theodor W. Adorno Beethoven: musikens filosofi. Fragment och texter (övers. Sven-Olov Wallenstein), Faeton, 2024], Röda rummet nr. 2-3: 50-51.
- Cassegård, Carl (2024) ”Fredric Jameson (1934-2024)”, Röda rummet nr 2-3: 59.
- Cassegård, Carl (2023) “Activism without hope? Four varieties of postapocalyptic environmentalism”, Environmental Politics, DOI: 10.1080/09644016.2023.2226022
- Casseård, Carl (2023) “Om hopp och kriser, en fråga till Ståle Holgersen”, Röda rummet, No. 2-3; posted 2023-06-22.
- Cassegård, Carl (2023) Book Review: The ruthless critique of everything existing: Nature and revolution in Marcuse’s philosophy of praxis. Philosophy & Social Criticism, 0(0);
- Malmqvist, Karl & Carl Cassegård & Christian Ståhl (2023) “Toward a resonant society: An interview with Hartmut Rosa”, Sociologisk forskning 60(2): 177-195.
- Cassegård, Carl (2022) “The future of environmental movements”, pp. 577-589, in Maria Grasso & Mario Giugni (eds.) The Routledge Handbook of Environmental Movements, Oxon: Routledge.
- Cassegård, Carl (2022) “The recovery of protest in Japan: from the ‘ice age’ to the post-2011 movements”, Social Movement Studies, published online 8 March 2022.
- Cassegård, Carl (2022) “The reification of nature and how to resist it: contributions from the critical theory of nature”, pp. 54-74, in Nuno Pereira Castanheira & Jair Tauchen & Agemir Bavaresco & Draiton Gonzaga de Souza (eds.) Questões Ecológicas em Perspectiva Interdisciplinar, Vol. 2, Porto Alegre: Editora Fundação Fênix. Available as e-book here:
- Cassegård, Carl (2021) “Ideologi och utopi i katastrofens sken: Om begreppet ’bärgning’”, pp. 65-86, in Evelina Johansson Wilén & Tomas Wedin & Carl Wilén (eds.) Ideologikritik, Lund: Studentlitteratur.
- Cassegård, Carl (2020) “Is dialectics applicable to nature? The ‘Lukács problem’ and the critical theory of nature”, Azimuth: Philosophical Coordinates in Modern and Contemporary Age 8(16): 143-154.
- Cassegård, Carl (2020) ”Zindywidualizowana solidarność” [tr. of ”Individualized Solidarity”], CzasKultury, 13 March 2020; (accessed 2020-05-01).
- Cassegård, Carl (2019) ”Världssystemet, arbetet och den politiska makten” [The world-system, labour and political power], Röda rummet, No. 1-2, 2019 (No 182-183 sedan 1969): 24-27;
- Cassegård, Carl (2019) “Counter-spaces, no-man’s-lands and mainstream public space: Representational spaces in homeless activism in Japan”, pp. 164-172, in Michael E Leary-Owhin & John P McCarthy (eds.) The Routledge Handbook of Henri Lefebvre, the City and Urban Society, London: Routledge.
- "Toward a postapocalyptic environmentalism? Responses to loss and visions of the future in climate activism”, Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space 1(4): 561–578 (co-authored with Håkan Thörn).
- "The Post-Fukushima Anti-Nuke Protests and their Impact on Japanese Environmentalism,” pp. 137-155, in David Chiavacci & Julia Obinger (eds.) Social Movements and Political Activism in Contemporary Japan: Re-emerging from Invisibility, Oxon: Routledge.
- “Om den individualiserade solidaritetens möjligheter”, Fronesis Nr. 58-59: 182-194. Slightly revised English version published as "Individualized solidarity" in Eurozine, 18 July 2018 (available on:
- Review of William Andrews, Dissenting Japan: A History of Japanese Radicalism and Counterculture, from 1945 to Fukushima, The Journal of Japanese Studies 44(2), 395-398.
- "Ràng wǒmen huó! Rìběn lín gōng yùndòng de péi lì hé shēnghuó xiūcí" (tr. into Chinese of "Let us live! Empowerment and the Rhetoric of Life in the Japanese Precarity Movement" by Xiao Yang Jun and Luo Ming), The Centre for Contemporary Cultural Studies (CCCS), published 2018-06-08;
- "Eco-Marxism and the Critical Theory of Nature: Two Perspectives on Ecology and Dialectics", Distinktion: Journal of Social Theory Vol 18(3): 314-332.
- Review of Mats Franzén, Nils Hertting & Catharina Thörn, Stad till salu: Entreprenörsurbanismen och det offentliga rummets värde, Sociologisk forskning 54(1-2): 150-153, 2017.
- “Between Government and Grassroots: Challenges to Institutionalization in the Japanese Environmental Movement”, pp 149-169, in Håkan Thörn & Carl Cassegård & Linda Soneryd & Åsa Wettergren (eds.) Climate Action in a Globalizing World: Comparative Perspectives on Environmental Movements in the Global North, New York: Routledge, 2017.
- “Climate Justice, Equity and Movement Mobilization”, pp 33-56, in Carl Cassegård & Linda Soneryd& Håkan Thörn & Åsa Wettergren (eds.) Climate Action in a Globalizing World: Comparative Perspectives on Environmental Movements in the Global North, New York: Routledge, 2017 (co-authored with Håkan Thörn).
- “COP as a global public sphere: News media frames, movement frames, and the media standing of climate movement actors”, pp. 104-124, in Carl Cassegård & Linda Soneryd & Håkan Thörn & Åsa Wettergren (eds.) Climate Action in a Globalizing World: Comparative Perspectives on Environmental Movements in the Global North, New York: Routledge, 2017 (co-authored with Linda Soneryd).
- “Climate action in a globalizing world: an introduction”, pp 1-30, in Håkan Thörn & Carl Cassegård & Linda Soneryd & Åsa Wettergren (eds.) Climate Action in a Globalizing World: Comparative Perspectives on Environmental Movements in the Global North, New York: Routledge, 2017 (co-authored with Håkan Thörn, Linda Soneryd and Åsa Wettergren).
- “Hegemony and Environmentalist Strategy: Global governance, movement mobilization and climate justice”, pp. 219-244, in Carl Cassegård & Linda Soneryd & Håkan Thörn & Åsa Wettergren (eds.) Climate Action in a Globalizing World: Comparative Perspectives on Environmental Movements in the Global North, New York: Routledge, 2017 (co-authored with Håkan Thörn, Linda Soneryd and Åsa Wettergren).
- Review of Stina Hansson, Sofie Hellberg and Maria Stern (eds), Studying the Agency of Being Governed, Acta Sociologica 59(1) (Feb 2016): 85-86.
- “Naturalized Modernity and the Resistance it Evokes: Sociological Theory Meets Murakami Haruki”, ProtoSociology: An International Journal of Interdisciplinary Research, Vol. 32: 17-35.
- "What's Alternative about Alternative Space?", 5: Designing Media Ecology (Special issue: "Mobility and Place: Alternative Spaces in Asia"), Vol 5: 30-37.
- "Towards a Post-apocalyptic Environmentalism", Mobilizing Ideas ?” (guest editor Jennifer Hadden), May 4;
- “I svallvågorna av Fukushima – Kommer Japan att våga satsa på kärnkraft igen?” (In the wake of Fukushima - Will Japan dare to bet on nuclear power again?), pp. 233-253, in Linus Hagström & Pia Moberg (eds.) Japan nu – Strömningar och perspektiv (2’d edition), Stockholm: Carlssons (co-authored with Marie Söderberg).
- “Let Us Live! Empowerment and the Rhetoric of Life in the Japanese Precarity Movement”, positions: east asia cultures critique 22(1): 41-69.
- “Lovable Anarchism: Campus Protest in Japan from the 1990s until Today”, Culture Unbound: Journal of Current Cultural Research, Vol. 6: 361-382;
- “Contestation and Bracketing: The Relation between Public Space and the Public Sphere”, Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 32(4): 689-703.
- “Activism Beyond the Pleasure Principle? Homelessness and Art in the Shinjuku Underground”, Third Text 27(5): 620-633.
- Review of Marisa von Bülow, Building Transnational Networks: Civil Society and the Politics of Trade in the Americas, American Journal of Sociology 118(6) (May): 1714-1716
- “Längtan efter förändring: Sociala rörelser och medborgaraktivism i Japan” (Yearning for change: social movements and citizen activism in Japan), pp 141-162, in Linus Hagström & Pia Moberg (eds) Japan nu – Strömningar och perspektiv, Stockholm: Carlssons.
- "Skapandet av Japan och det japanska: Nationalism och minoriteter” (The creation of Japan and the Japanese: nationalism and minorities), pp 29-50, in Linus Hagström & Pia Moberg (eds) Japan nu –Strömningar och perspektiv, Stockholm: Carlssons (co-authored with Martin Nordeborg).
- ”Play and Empowerment: The Role of Alternative Space in Social Movements”, Electronic Journal of Contemporary Japanese Studies 12(1) (May).
- Review of Miki Hasegawa, ‘We Are Not Garbage!’: The Homeless Movement in Tokyo, 1994–2002, Japanese Studies 32(2): 295-296.
- “Public Space in Recent Japanese Political Thought and Activism: From the Rivers and Lakes to Miyashita Park”, Japanese Studies 31(3), 2011: 405-422.
- “Nômanzurando jiritsu zôn kôkyô kûkan – ’Akichi’ o dô yatte mamoru ka toiu mondai to Miyashita kôen ni tsuite” (No man’s land, autonomous zone, public space: Reflections on how to defend a wasteland and on Miyashita Park), Impaction 178, February, 2011.
- “Den japanska alternativrörelsen är både politisk och inte” (The Japanese alternative movement is both political and not), Tvärsnitt Nr. 2, 2011: 44-48.
- "Sei no katari to Nihon no purekariâto undô" (Narrating life and the Japanese precarity movement), Mirai kairo 4.0 (November): 76-86.
- “The Public Sphere as Deliberation or Bracketing? Recent Directions in the Development of the Concept in Japan”, pp 147-159, in Noriko Thunman & Nanyang Guo (eds) Cultural Translations: Proceedings of the Workshop / Symposium in Varberg and Kyoto, Göteborg: University of Gothenburg
- “Japan’s Lost Decade and Its Two Recoveries: On Sawaragi Noi, Japanese Neo-pop and Anti-war Activism”, pp. 39-60, in Nina Cornyetz & Keith Vincent (eds) Perversion and Modern Japan: Psychoanalysis, Literature, Culture, London & New York: Routledge, 2010.
- “Lek och empowerment – de alternativa rummens roll i sociala rörelser” (Play and Empowerment: The Role of Alternative Space in Social Movements), Sociologisk forskning 47:2, 2010:49-72.
- “Nihon no wakamono no mondai ni tsuite no shinrigakuteki shakaigakuteki kôsatsu: Nihon ni okeru gaikokujin kenkyûsha kara no shiten” (Psychological and sociological reflexions on Japanese youth problems: A view from foreign researchers in Japan), Kokoro no mirai (Kokoro Research Center Research Magazine), Vol 5, 2010:40-47 (co-authored with Norassakunkit, Vinai & Toivonen, Tuuka & Uchida, Yukiko & Zielenziger, Michael).
- “Ingenmansland och offentlighet – Några betraktelser om hur man försvarar en park” (No-man’s-land and public space: Reflections on how to defend a park), Subaltern 2010: 88-95.
- “The Quest for Freedom”, Rakuyû: Kyoto University Newsletter No. 18, October, 2010:10.
- “‘Ikinobiru koto’ to ‘ikiru koto’” (Surviving and living), Surôwâku, No 35, March, 2009:10-12
- "Review of Miriam Silverberg, Erotic Grotesque Nonsense: The Mass Culture of Japanese Modern Times", Japanese Studies 29:1, May, 2009:148-150.
- "Review of Jennifer Chan (ed) Another Japan is Possible: New Social Movements and Global Citizenship Education", Japanese Studies 29:2, September, 2009:303-304.
- “From Withdrawal to Resistance: The Rhetoric of Exit from Yoshimoto Takaaki to Karatani Kojin”, Japan Focus, March 2008.
- "Soshiki shakai e no teikô: A. O. Hâshuman Ridatsu-Hatsugen-Chûsei” (The resistance against organization society: On A.O. Hirschman’s Exit, Voice, and Loyalty), pp 127-137, in Inoue, Shun & Itô, Kimio (eds), Shakaigaku bêshikusu: Shakai kôzô to hendô, Vol. 2, Kyoto: Sekai Shisôsha, 2008 (Second edition 2011).
- “Ba no mondai II” (The problem of place II), Surôwâku, Nr 23, February, 2008:9-11.
- “Ba no mondai III” (The problem of place III), Surôwâku, No 28, August, 2008:13-15.
- "Exteriority and Transcritique: Karatani Kojin and the Impact of the 1990s", Japanese Studies 27:1, May 2007:1-18.
- “Ba no mondai” (The problem of place), Surôwâku, Nr 18, August, 2007:7-9.
- ”Japansk populärkultur – från gullighetskult till nationalism” (Japanese popular culture: from cute culture to nationalism), Glänta, Nr. 3 2006:115-128.
- “Sydkoreansk ‘adoptionsindustri’ – en form av imperialism?” (South Korean 'adoption industry': a form of imperialism?), review of Tobias Hübinette Comforting an Orphaned Nation), Internationella Studier Nr 2, 2006:87-89.
- "Ghosts, Angels, and Repetition in the Films of Wong Kar-wai”, Film International Nr 16, April, 2005:10-23.
- “Does Japan matter? The End of Models and the Task of Learning”, NIAS-Nytt: Asia Insights, Nr. 1 mars 2005:7-8.
- "Fear, Desire, and the Ideal of Authenticity: Antinomies of Modernity in Abe Kôbô and Martin Heidegger”, Africa & Asia, Nr 5, July 2005:3-24.
- “Rädslan som system och konsten att bryta sig ut” (Fear as system and the art of breaking out), Göteborgsposten (Kultur), 2005-08-01.
- ”Revolt och melankoli. Om stadens gestalt hos situationisterna och Walter Benjamin” (Revolt and Melancholy: On the Experience of the City in the Situationists and Walter Benjamin), Res Publica. Symposions litterära och teoretiska tidskrift, nr.64, 2004:88-115.
- ”Traditionen för tanken bortom moderniteten” (Tradition guides thought beyond modernity [An introduction to Nishida Kitarô]), Axess, May 2004:29-31.
- “I den ändlösa vardagen hotar ingen fiende” (No enemy threatens in the never-ending everyday), Axess, December 2004:18-21 (Also published in Kay Glans (ed) Indien kastar loss - Press under press: teman ur tidskriften Axess år 2004, Stockholm: Axel och Margaret Ax:son Johnsons stiftelse, pp 401-415). English translation (by Phil Holmes) as "After Paranoia" on Axess Magazine.
- “Moderniteten som natur – chockens upplösning i Murakami Harukis författarskap” (Modernity as Nature: On the Dissolution of Shock in the Writings of Murakami Haruki), pp 99-116, in Mattias Martinsson & Anders Johansson (eds) Efter Adorno, Stockholm: Glänta, 2003.
- “Taikutsusa to no tôsô, shôgeki e no nosutarujî – W.Benyamin to Murakami Ryû o megutte” (The Struggle against Boredom and the Nostalgia for Shock: Reflections on Walter Benjamin and Murakami Ryû), Kyôto Shakaigaku Nenpô (Kyoto Journal of Sociology), Vol. 9, 2002:75-92.
- “Murakami Haruki and the Naturalization of Modernity”, International Journal of Japanese Sociology (IJJS), Vol. 10, 2001:80-92.
- “Shock and Modernity in Walter Benjamin and Kawabata Yasunari”, Japanese Studies, 19: 3, 1999:237-252.
- “Livsvärldens rationalisering och studiet av partikularism” (Particularism and the Rationalization of the Lifeworld), Sociologisk Forskning, 34:3, 1997:59-78.
- “Flykten från det förflutna. Om historievetenskapliga riktningar och bilden av det tredje riket i BRD från slutet av 60-talet till återföreningen” (Fleeing One’s Past: On the Image of the Third Reich and Historiographical Developments in West Germany, 1968-1990), Scandia: Tidskrift för historisk forskning, 61:1, 1995: 67-104.